Reserve Your New Subaru & Never Pay Over MSRP

Nov 22, 2021

Winter tends to be cold and wet in the Gastonia, NC area, which can make your daily drive a bit more challenging. Luckily, a little winter maintenance here at our service center is all it takes to get your Subaru into shape for winter driving. Our Subaru service center is equipped with the tools, parts, and equipment our professional technicians need to help you keep your car running smoothly. If you’re ready to prepare your Subaru for winter, be sure to connect with our team. We’ll be happy to help!

Here are a few recommendations for winter service around Lincolnton, NC and Belmont, NC:

Battery Check

As temperatures start to fall, your car battery might have a harder time doing its job. Cold weather saps your battery’s power, so it’s more likely for a weak car battery to fail, especially on cold winter mornings. Our team can test your battery here at our Subaru service center to make sure that it has plenty of strength so that you aren’t surprised by a car that won’t start due to a battery issue.

Wiper Blades

Winter is more likely to coat your windshield with rain and dirt, so it’s important to make sure that your wiper blades are in great shape. Worn blades will struggle to clear your windshield, so we recommend replacing them if they’re starting to look worse for wear. We have plenty of genuine Subaru parts at our dealership, so we can replace your wiper blades for you right here at our service center near Shelby, NC.

Tire Service

Slippery winter roads can make it more difficult for your tires to gain traction. If your tires are too worn, you might find that it takes you much longer to stop, which can be a major safety hazard. Servicing your tires and replacing them if they don’t have sufficient tread can help your car gain the traction it needs on wet roads. Our team is ready to help you find a new set or keep the tires you have in tip-top shape.

Schedule service at our Subaru service center near Clover, SC today to get your car ready for winter!